Hybrid Game

This means that you can play a physical card game anywhere you want. The game is for 2 to 4 players. During the game play you have the role of a border guard and your goal is to assure that the travellers have fulfilled all the requirements to cross the border.
Additionally, there is an option to read digital storytelling stories related to the travellers of the card game.

Action cards

The card game PASS is based on real facts, however play elements are present and the action cards help you to make the game more enjoyable, like other commercial games.
What is important: just follow the instructions of the action cards. Do what the cards say.

Different types of travellers

In PASS we have three types of travellers: (1) those who hold a European passport, (2) those who do not hold a European passport and are called third country nationals (TCN) who do not require a visa. (3) And those TCNs who require a visa.
Through the QR codes you can have access to digital stories related to the specific traveller. For this you must have a digital device (phone or tablet) connected to the internet.

Requirement cards

These are cards to make a meld with the traveller. They are related to real documents and knowlege that different travellers should have in order to cross the border of the Schengen Area smoothly.

Digital Version of PASS

Digital Storytelling
a personal challenge!

Each one of the travellers of PASS has a story to share.
To access the stories, you will have to scan the QR code of the card of each traveller. As you reach each story, you will be challenged related to border crossing and you will decide the faith of the travellers as well.
This will be the personal challenge!


PASS is one of the concrete outcomes of the PROPER TOOLBOX of BODEGA.

BODEGA is/was an H2020 project that focuses on the development of future border checks with human factors expertise in order to enhance efficiency, border security and traveller satisfaction. The project focuses on the changing nature of traveller processes and border guard work due to the introduction of advanced border control systems, such as biometrics-enabled e-gates

For more information about BODEGA please visit the project's website: https://bodega-project.eu/