Now, it's time for us to go home, but we could see some people before we return to Mätäsvaara.
Bye then Aarne! It was nice to see you. You too. And I believe in your finding, no matter what. I'll send you a letter as soon as we get some results.
We have to buy some supplies from the village and you could help me out. After this we go to my cottage which is in the wilderness away from people's laughs.
I'm rather persistent and I believe in my accomplishments and that's why I don't let people's mean comments get under my skin. I think we are nearly there.
Here's my rumpled shoppinglist: -a pair of shoes -flour -coffee -two pieces of soap -butter -lampoil
Would you give me the items mentioned in the list. There Crazy-Erkka, why aren't you rich alredy, if you find molybdenium?
Soon will you gnats be sorry, when we got certainty from the ore in Mätäsvaara.
Would you find something to pay for my shopping?
Would you find the right shoes, please?
Now we're going to Mätäsvaara, uups, it's late. Better hurry. Let's hope we get a letter from Aarne soon.