
While we were working at Naresuan University we ran a game workshop. Actually it was an INTENSE workshop. Well, those who know Carolina's teaching might be aware about this: do your best, have fun, co-create knowledge and work hard. Learning is fun, in our opinion, but one has to put the energy and passion into it.

In this case the workshop was on SUNDAY.  Target audience were full time students, which really had a FULL study week and exams were approaching. Hence, at some moments I was wondering: how many people would subscribe to the workshop? in addition to question how would I connect with them? Unfortunately my Thai is not existent thus there is a barrier between me and the current audience....  :( it is a pity when one does not share the same language! Nevertheless, everybody were in good spirits.

Jenjira was at charge to promote the workshop and she made a nice poster, judge this by yourselves:


Finally, the BIG day and we had a GREAT day!

The house was full as you can see in the following photos:

View of the workshop


Another view of the workshop

The participants work very hard the WHOLE day, and this is literal. Also, Anthony and Ratchada were INCREDIBLE supportive for all of us. The students developed interesting games, understanding the key concepts covered in this day. In summary: we had an AWESOME FULL DAY!

By the way, when we write a full day it is really meant a full day.  Let me explain, the workshop consisted of two parts (morning and afternoon). Each part consisted of: a lecture, follow by a design task to produce a game prototype, we play-test the prototypes and finally we debrief the play-test and the process.  Between the morning and afternoon, we had a DELICIOUS lunch with Thai food as a special treat ;)

The photo below illustrate the outcomes of the first half of the workshop:

Examples of the game outcomes on the first half of the workshop


The event showed us that contextual games in addition to me meaningful and interesting, offer unlimited creativity possibilities!

Thank you to each one of the participants and organizers for intense and wonderful day!


 post written by Carolina Islas