
To create traction in a startup is not easy. One has to pay attention to different details: ideas, development, organizing, administrative, benchmarking,.... and networking.

Often one reads and listens that networking is important. In my opinion it is also a skill to learn and to develop, because it is not enough to meet people. However, meeting people is the beginning, though! :) At some point, in another post, I will write more about the topic, as it is not the focus of this post. :)

In Joensuu there is project entitle et.lakes which aims to support the different parties interested in educational technologies in the region, including startups. On this day, there was a kick-off event in which ubium was invited to the kick-off event at the  Kitee Evangelical Folk High School. We went despite being in middle of our moving. [note: we are moving our facilities]. One of the main goals of the event: networking.

During the kick-off, it was the possibility to meet new people and re-connect with others. It is always GREAT to talk face to face! For example, to have a conversation with people of FinCEAL was very useful.  Honestly, even if one has all the information on internet, to talk with people who knows about a topic is not replaceable!

The event was well organized and even though ubium was only one day out of three proposed, this day was productive!. If you want to know more about the event, please read the following  post of et.lakes.

The next is the picture of this post! :) which actually is not the most representative of the event. Yes, the audience was paying attention, and the venue is perfect for events like this, but the intention is to share that the event also had a little bit of Thai sunshine!


Phitsanulok's handicraft in Kitee



post written by cais