
Ubium was at the ICEE conference in Helsinki which was a GREAT EVENT!!!

National Museum of Finland

Unquestionably, if you are interested in the world of museums, join the ICOM community is smart. There is much to learn and listen from the community.

The conference started with the provoking series of ideas, as an example: “the real crisis is the quality of engagement – no the quantity of visitors.”A question to self reflection, how are we supporting to create quality of engagement in museums? Important to know our role into supporting local knowledge transmission.

The talks were excellent, the participants of the event inspiring and the museum visits enlightening.

One of the talks, was from the major of the city of Espoo when she was welcoming us to the WeeGee museum. Unfortunately, I do not have the quote of her words, but I appreciate when she transmit the idea that culture is the umbrella in which we create a community. Her speech had inspiring thoughts.

To close this post, I want to leave two photos of the temporal exposition, a clever work don by Alexander Reichsten. It is a hands on expositions for children, which adults can enjoy as well. In this space one searches in different calendars one's birthday and build a handicraft that is hang later in the central rotating tree. It is interesting to see different calendars created in our world in which one could detect one's birthday, including the Aztec calendar.


Temporal Exposition at the WeeGee


Aztec Calendar at the temporal exposition in the WeeGee


There is much to learn and discover and the day was full of relevant and important events!

Thank you!



post written by cais