Context Matters
We live in an increasingly complex world that needs talented people who can help solve the problems humanity is facing. However one of the main challenges is the difficulty to transmit complex information to be understood by others, even with the use of digital technology.
If we want to promote knowledge transfer among individuals, we should start by promoting meaningful learning experiences. To understand how key pieces of a concept, independently of its complexity, fit together in different contexts is primordial. If we fail to understand concepts, then we can’t apply them in new situations or even more complex ones. Hence the question is how can we help to promote meaningful learning, to a diversity of individuals?
The previous question brought Carolina to Finland, where she met Mikko and Teemu. Then as a team, and each one with their particular talent, we understood the importance of context, while developing our first application with N80 smartphones. Context matters! Some solutions are not solved by overwhelming people with new or more technology, or with large amounts of content. It is about mixing the physical and digital domains gently in a context that is meaningful for a certain purpose for the particular audience.
Since 2007, starting during our studies, we have been working with museums, science festivals, and biosphere regions, among others, to understand different contextual elements. We understand the increasing opportunities that digital technology offers and its uniqueness, and the importance of knitting the content playfully with the technology to create attractive applications. However, if we want to create a meaningful learning experience that supports knowledge transfer, then context is THE key design factor.
After graduation we started the adventure with ubium, where we are learning to be business owners. Our main driver is the commitment we have with our planet, knowing the importance to promote meaningful learning experiences across our globe. We want to commit our talent into this goal and if you want to be part of our journey, please feel free to contact us.

Our Mission | Our mission guides us to focus our actions and decisions: To trigger curiosity about what surrounds us, allowing us to discover, to learn and to gain knowledge. To share the importance of the world around us (context). To learn from different interactions while mixing the physical and digital domains. To give a voice for telling everyday stories. |
Our Vision | Our vision is to have a world where physical and digital domains mix gently to support meaningful learning experiences. A world in which each one of us has access to different types of knowledge through playful interaction in their own surroundings. |
Our values | Agility Trust Freedom & responsibility Playfulness Personal growth Sustainability, long lasting products Meaningful interaction Attention to local detail |

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