Collaboration is at ubium’s heart. It is by collaborating with different stakeholders that we are able to contribute in outstanding projects. Ubium brings in the know-how through our services and products. In this page you have an overview of some of the projects in which we have participated.
The following games are part of our archive, and might be revivable for playing again!

Description: This project started at MyGalileoApp competition . We submitted an idea to the competition and we were selected. After a hardworking and demanding summer in 2019, we were one of the 10 finalists of the competition. This journey delivered a product that anyone can use.

Description: BODEGA is/was an H2020 project that focused on the development of future border checks with human factors expertise in order to enhance efficiency, border security and traveller satisfaction. The project paid attention on the changing nature of traveller processes and border guard work due to the introduction of advanced border control systems, such as biometrics-enabled e-gates. The role of ubium was in particular on the travellers, on how they understand critical information and how the transmission of information can be improved.
Information about the Game Pass, an instrument to teach travellers about new information.
Bodega project website:

Description: The project Matkalla was thought to support 13 year old pupils from Colegio Finlandés in Guadalajara, México and Lieksan keskuskoulu in Lieksa Finland. The focus of the project was to utilize digital tools and promote students discovery and reflection upon what surrounds them while promoting a dialogue with the peers on the other side of the Atlantic. Digital stories were a final outcome of the journey.
Elämän Pitkospuut
Description: Our role in this project was to support the participants to create their live stories. During this process, they also learn ICT skills. You can enjoy their final stories through the link below.
The video below illustrates the use of the MINE editor.
Project’s website:

Windows to the World
Description: Exploration on how to bring an art exposition out of a gallery to be closer to the public. The resultant installation is an interactive experience for the public. This installation took place in 2016 and it was available in Finnish and English. In this link you can see the different stakeholders involved in the project.
Graphics Designer: sie-expressions
In 2018 we made a follow up activity based on this technology and re-contextualized it for the project: Unique cultures in one connected world.
Paper presented at AFRICHI 2018 here.

Description: This project focuses on sharing the Historical points of interest in Lieksa. It was developed by pupils in the 8th grade at Lieksan Keskuskoulu in 2013. The languages available are: Finnish and English.
Graphic Designer of the Logo: sie-expressions. Graphics of the stories: the authors of the stories.
Poster presented at F.R.O.G. conference: link.

Description: Together with the Pielisen Museo in Lieksa, we developed this digital game, which focuses on the lives of Finnish dwellers from another time. LieksaMyst has been growing over time, as the curators keep expanding the game. Furthermore, LieksaMyst is an example of sustainability. It was firstly developed in 2008, when we had only prototypes, later in 2010 we launched the game as a museum service. The software was upgraded in 2018 and today it is still a service that the museum offers. The languages available are Finnish, English and German.
Graphics Designer: sie-expressions

TekGuide and TekGame
Description: This project was developed with the Museum of Technology in Helsinki. The focus of this tool was to address innovation, which requires knowledge and creativity. The game was released in 2011 and it was available in: Finnish, English, Swedish and Russian.
Graphics Designer: Sanna Laakkonen
Interactive lotto
Description: Illusion was a seminar that took place in Joensuu, Finland. It emphasized in game music and introduced interesting talks in all areas of game development. The event took place at the same time as the Ilosaari rock festival. For this event we created an interactive lotto, so that the audience paid attention to indie games that were presented across the posters of the event. Amazing all what you can do with printing material and digital stories!

Heroes of Koskenniska
Description: The objective of this game was to create awareness of the biodiversity. To achieve this, we utilized two digital networks: one where different sets of sensors were reading different information in the forest and a second one where our players would be playing. In our server, we connected both networkss and we let the forest guide the game. Thus, according to the weather conditions the players need to respond to the different challenges. The game was developed with the Biosphere region of North Karelia and released in 2009. It was available in Finnish and English.

Description: After our successful launch with SciMyst, we tested our concept at the Museum of Technology in Helsinki in 2008. This game was developed with the curators focusing on simple machines. TekMyst was available in Finnish and English. Graphics Designer: sie-expressions
More information:

Description: Everything started with this game. From the first smart phones were the N80 and N95 from Nokia. There was a Science Festival in Joensuu and while we were at our studies we developed SciMyst as a treasure hunting game. The first SciMyst took place in 2007, and again in 2008 and 2009. Graphics Designer: sie-expressions

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