
At ubium, our founders and our network of experts, we are all committed to the vision to mix gently the physical and digital domains to support meaningful learning in context. 

Mikko Vinni

Founder and full time in Ubium

Mikko is doing much of the technical work.

He holds a MSc from University of Eastern Finland on computer science.

Carolina Islas Sedano


Carolina does a bit of everything! However she might not be so patient in programming. Carolina eagerly wants to playfully discover and travel all the world.  She holds a PhD from University of Eastern Finland, and her dissertation is about “Hypercontextualized Games”.


We have co-operated with experts in different organizations and as freelancers.



Tuula Korkalainen

Graphic designer. Outfit of the Ubium website 2014

Sara Mahmodi

Illustrator. Collaboration with Bodega project 2017

Pietu Oinonen

Graphic designer. Outfit of the Ubium website 2014

Sanna Laakkonen

Graphic designer. Collaboration with TekGame and Tekguide project in 2011

Let’s keep in touch!