Elämän Pitkospuut

Ubium has the pleasure to present this wonderful documental which shows the use of our editor MINE within the project of  Elämän Pitkospuut. This project was lead by the Evangelical Folk High School of Kitee . The aim of the project was the integration and empowerment of vulnerable groups into our society.

We are very proud of all the participants of this project, the storytellers and the facilitators. Also we are thankful to contribute with our expertise (in storytelling, contextual games, co-creation) and with our game editor titled MINE-editor.

The result has been enlightening for all of us who were part of this journey, and we hope this documental serves to others to keep sharing their stories!

Päätösseminaari Elämän Pitkospuut project

Slowly we are reaching the end of  Elämän Pitkospuut project.

Elämän Pitkospuut project has been ahead its time. It started before the immigration wave towards Europe in 2015, when visionaries in Kitee started to explore how to integrate vulnerable groups in our society.

Elämän Pitkospuut project got funding, ubium was selected to be a provider to support the project participants to create their digital stories.  Today, almost two years later, we have great storytellers. Authors we can read and who have learned a myriad of things in the process to be authors.

Thank you for letting us be part of this journey, and here we present 3 of the multiple stories produced in this period.





First outcome from our visit in Bamberg

During the event at the  Bayerische Museumsakademie, we visited the Historical Museum Bamberg.

At some point of our visit, our hosts invite the participants to create activities for a particular room of the museum. As you can imagine, we create a story.

You are welcome to read our story by following this link:  http://bit.ly/MuseoHB

A question from museo of bamberg
A question from our story after visiting the Historical Museum Bamberg

Story’s credits: