iCOM 2016 – presentation at the Market Place

This year iCOM was in Milano, Italy. The event was spectacular. Ubium presented its project Windows to the World at the Market Place of Exhibitions and Ideas organized by the ICEE committee.

It was a 5 min presentation, so very challenging. In this post we want to share our message to you and in a later post we want to share our impressions from iCOMM 2016.

Due to the importance of this presentation, we decided to present the video we had prepared from Windows to the World project. So, here is our presentation where the video is embedded:

or alternatively as a premier you can also watch “Windows to the World” video in here:

We also can share your our rational behind all these work:

Display windows are used by museums and stores to attract visitors to their facilities. Display windows are often located at larger windows in the front facade and inside the lobby of the facility. For centuries, the objects displayed at the display windows have been the same, that is dressing the window while displaying the relevant objects with their corresponding descriptions.

Today museums have to compete for the visitors’s attention through an increasing number of amenities, e.g. with amusement parks, shopping malls, digital entertainment, and distance education. Furthermore, we live in an era where the design of services focuses on user experience. Thus, it is time to question how museums can increase their visitors’ user experience when harmonizing with the museum’s objectives and museum’s learning agenda?

Windows to the World is our first exploration to offer new possibilities to museums. We conceptualized and developed a photography and musical exposition with a digital interaction through the display windows of the exhibit. For 24 / 7 during 45 days the photographs and orchestra music was available for enjoyment for anyone at front of the display windows.

Furthermore an interactive digital game matching the exhibit was developed and integrated with tools to deliver further information to pedestrians. Thus, individuals were allowed to interact with the exhibit through the display window and gain further information about it and increase interest about it. The set up allows to know how many observers transform themselves as active visitors during their interaction with the windows.

Thank you for reading!

written by caislas

What do we mean with serious games?

We were invited to give a talk at University of Vic, for their second edition of Games for Everything meeting, Games4*

After talking with the organizers and based on our experience, we selected the following topic for our talk: what do we mean with serious games?  To prepare this talk was a pleasure. For those who knows us, we have been working with games to support learning for over a decade and it is important to share this knowledge to understand what is new with what we are doing and what is not.

If you are interested in the talk you can find it here:

Written by caislas